Tuesday, April 1, 2008

#23 !!!!!

This was an eye opening discovery program. I got off to a slow start not knowing what or how to do some of these things, luckily help was right there.
Some of the tools I found most useful were the Wikis, and the Bloglines, and RSS feeds. I also enjoyed using these the most.
Flickr was alot of fun to learn but I think I wouls use this on a more personal level than professional.
Youtube was probably the one that I was most apprehensive about at first, but after playing around with it, and realizing the content was of my choosing, it was alot of fun.
I would definitetly participate in another discovery program, nothing worth learning comes easy, and there were moments when this wasn't easy, but well worth it.


Opening an account with Netlibrary through PLCMC didn't work for me, however I found another way in, using extranet.netlibrary.com, I was able to open an account with Netlibrary.
Netlibrary has over 160,000 titles to choose from at this time, and that figure is sure to increase as the site becomes more popular. I don't think Netlibrary will replace the library and the people who use it becuase the ebooks aren't cheap, it may eventually affect booksellers.


Podcast are a great way to stay informed on your favorite music, radio programs, book reviews, etc....
It's difficult in the library setting to utilize podcast to it's full potential without headphones.
I subscribed via RSS feed, the travelpod.com to my bloglines account. It gives a insiders first hand view of very unique and exotic travel destinations around the world.
I think podcasts do provide a useful service for library use, it simply depends on what the patron or staff are searching for.

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

You Tube

Checking out You Tube was more fun than I thought it would be. I had thought it would lead into things I really didn't want to get into. Not at all, I'm sure there is stuff I'd rather not care to watch but I had control over that.
I have been planning a trip to Ireland, and You Tube provided me with a great deal of visual tours, by land and air of destinations I may have missed. Reading is great but having a visual is even better. This site was very informative for me, and I would not hesitate to use it again.

Discovering Web 2.0 tools

Exploring some of the websites has been a real eye opener for me. I've spent alot of time exploring Zillow on this exercise.
Zillow is a website that provides relocation information to people from all over the world.
I've always loved to travel and interested in locating a great place to retire. This is a pretty good source for that.
This site does not provide complete listing information of it's real estate listings that one would need in order to pursue a listing of interest. It does however have useful information on the area in question, but many sites have this feature as well.
I also checked out tailbuilder.com. Now, this is a cool site, it allows you to make tails with what you have on hand. It also gives you ideas of tails you can make if you had one more item!

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Zoho writer

Zoho is an easy way to do a multitued of various types of communication. I chose to create my document using the Zoho planner. I created an account with Zoho, and proceeded to document things I needed to do, appointments to make, people to contact, and when to do so. I chose to be notified one day before the said appointment via my email.
This appears to be a very simple way keeping track of daily, weekly, and monthly appointments.


My most favorite place is located in a secluded little corner in northern Vermont.
It's called Metcalf Pond. This place isn't by any means one of the seven wonders of the world, but it has been a place where all the people I love most in world come together as a family.
It's hidden, secluded location, surrounded by mountains allows for privacy.
This favorite place has been shared for five generations of our family, dating back to 1950.
It has been the rock that has always kept our family coming back, coming together, from Great-Grandma (aka G.G.) to the newest member, my nephews puppy "Bo"!
From the beaver dams down below that "the men" canoe down (with their cooler of beer) to try to dismantle, to "Bloody rock" where supposedly a young couple in love jumped to their death, there's also the rocks that protrude out of the water in front of the second island, this is where everyone tries to catch the infamous large mouth bass that must be 75 years old by now. There's also a spot called "the point" where on a beautiful August day, my oldest brother married his sweetheart in 1974. I can't help but to mention the spot in the sky far to the east, that sits between sloping mountains, known as "Grannies crotch". We always know when it's about to rain, because it always comes from that direction!
Now this probably doesn't sound like much to anyone, but I tend to hang on to things a little to much, and this place is, when all is said and done, my Favorite Vacation in world.

Saturday, March 15, 2008

Library wikis

Using a wiki at the library is a great way to communicate. We all do so many various jobs, we work various schedules, and when procedures and policies change a wiki can be a perfect way for everyone to successfully work together.
I also am very fond of the idea of adding a library wiki to a search page as a reader review and reference for various genre of books. Knowing alittle bit about a book prior to reading it could save some time. Also adding a five star system such as Book Lovers Wiki by the Princeton Public Library is another great way to spread the word about a great book.

Library 2.0 & Web 2.0

Technology is moving at lightening speed. What we learn today will be obsolete tomorrow, so does this mean we don't learn it because of this? I don't think so, we must always keep learning as much as we can. There is always going to be things that we enjoy learning about more than others however to best furnish our patrons with information we must at least try to retain as much as we can in order to grow, as individuals and as a community.

Tuesday, March 11, 2008


Technorati was interesting in the way of searching for movie, and/or book blogs.
There was alot of useful information about new releases, which I enjoy reading about.
Technorati streamlines the search process.


Del.icio.us probably wont be something I will likely ever use.
It seems like just another way to search for something when there already is so many ways already. For someone who spends a great deal of time on the computer and is looking for new ways of searching, posting it's a great idea, but I'm comfortable with the tools I currently know and use.

Monday, March 10, 2008


Okay to me this seems very similar to the bloglines account I set up. I didn't set up a Rollyo account because it seemed reduntant.


I must say, Librarything, so far, has been the best of the twenty-three things. It is so useful in keeping track of what I've read, what I want to read, and all the others books I'm not sure about spending my time reading, I can read reviews, many, many, reviews and form my own opinion.
I know theres more to Librarything but so far I'm really enjoying what I've learned about it so far.

Image Generators

Using image generators is alot of fun. I can create a sketch drawing from a photo, or I can make some very funny faces from portraits.
Another very nice thing is the ability to creat unique flyers of events using the image generator.
This is a useful tool to have access to for both work and play.

Library feeds

I chose topix.net. It was easy to use, however the email confirmation took some time, I ended up with three.

bloglines using rss feeds

Today I learned about bloglines, and the connections that I can make deciding on my interests.
There is over a thousand various topics, and choosing the ones that interest me is the hard part!
But, if I choose one that I find I don't use or am not as interested in as I thought I would be I can delete it and add another of my liking. Pretty cool!!

Friday, March 7, 2008

techno related

I'm not a very computer literate person, but I do like what I've learned so far, especially Flicker.
It can be used in so many different ways.
I'd like to use flicker more on my blog eventually.
Every thing so far has been pretty interesting, but I think I'd fall into the habit of using one or two things and thats all.

flicker mashups, and third parties

Flicker mash-ups is a really cool idea, I especially like the trading cards.
Eventually, I'll put one of these together for all the world to share!


Using flicker is a great way to personalize your blog.
I've added some pictures to my blog that I like.
It's a nice feature to have.

Friday, February 8, 2008

The beautiful Blue Ridge Mountains thanks to flickr.

Monday, February 4, 2008

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

A new chapter....

As I am new to blogging I want to start by saying "Good morning to you all."
I recently began working in our community library, and I must say I am enjoying it
very much.
As I become more comfortable with the blogging processes I promise my blog will become more exciting!